A powerful Secret Organization that has managed to control the Entire World, orchestrating every events that happens in this world dating from the French Revolution to the Assassinations of U.S presidents to Two World Wars to the current Russia war on Ukraine. Or is it just a mythical organization that has managed to stay in the minds of the people for centuries and used as a tool to evade from the truth? In this Blog, let us find out the truth about Illuminati. THE ORIGINS OF THE TERM ILLUMINATI The word Illuminati first came into use in the 15th Century which is generally assumed by or applied to various groups of people who claimed to be unusually "Enlightened". It is actually the plural of the Latin Illuminatus which means the same, "Enlightenment". Alright, before diving in, first let us actually get a clear idea of the word, "Enlightenment". The common man meaning is "it is th...