Do you know, how heavy metals such as Gold and Platinum are formed?  As we know each and every thing today in earth came from space.  It can be a water molecule, to a micro-organism, every thing came from space through an asteroid.  So, it is really fantastic when we think about space, right?  So, the answer of the question is below,

     Heavy metals found on earth, such as gold and platinum, probably originated in a supernova explosion, new research from University of Guelph, Canada, claims.  Challenging the earlier theories involving colliding blackholes or neutron stars, the study points towards the relatively rare collapsors, which are a heavy-element rich supernova explosion of stars about 30 times as massive as the sun.  These things in space are really, really dense and have a large amount of mass, but somehow it has reached the earth and now Gold and Platinum is used to make ornaments and gold is also used to make wires which is used in a phone circuit.

     Some of the uses of gold are,

  1. The gold is used to make ornaments and in early days, gold is used as a system of monetary transactions in some countries for trade purposes, before the invention of money.
  2. Gold nano-particles are used in Solar Panel to increase the absorption of Solar Energy.
  3. Since gold is a good conductor of heat and electricity, it is used in the circuit of phones we use everyday.  Our phones contain Gold!
  4. To be precise, gold is a good conductor than copper, but brittle in its purest form.
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