Theory of Retrieval was discovered by me at least in my school on February.  The proofs are John Titus, Jairam, Aswin and Ashish.  This theory is entirely about your brain.  That is all the things, all the information about the universe is already in your brain and the only thing is that we are not able to retrieve it.  Its like a hard drive with all the necessary data in it but, the only thing is that we are not able to access it.

     Did you ever ask a question that why you can't utilize your brain or brain power to its fullest, i.e. 100%?  We humans can use every part and organ in our body to its fullest capacity but, why can't our brain?  It's the only question from which this theory originate from.  Why can't we, humans can utilize our brain to its fullest capacity.  An average human uses his or her brain up to 4-5%  and Albert Einstein, 11%.  He just use 11% of his brain and from that small increase in the percentage he told the world many things.  At first, all the scientists in the world thought that Einstein was a stupid and whatever he told is not true.  They also tried to disprove him, of course a theory cannot be proved.  It can only be justified or falsified, but all the experiments done by Einstein rivals only proved his theory.

     Basically, Einstein was a theorist and that is the reason why most of them tried to prove him wrong because his discoveries does not had a solid basis when he told it to the world until the experiments proved him.  One of the great discoveries done by him is the discovery of the existence of black holes, a place where the gravitational fields will be so high, from his field equations.
And now he had been proved by the image of black hole, again.  Basically, Einstein was a theorist, which means that he just sit aside and think.  All these great discoveries was not from great experiments in a high tech physics lab.  It just came from a room, sitting in a chair and thinking.  This what Theory of Retrieval suggests, i.e. every thing is already in our brain and the only problem is we are not getting accessed to that information.

     Let us take even Stephan Hawking as an example.  He is also a great scientist but the thing common between Hawking and Einstein is Hawking is also a theorist.  We all know that Hawking is paralyzed, but even though he had told many things to the world.  All these great personalities said things to the world, just by thinking.  Hence, the Theory of Retrieval is proved.
     Ultimately, there is one final question.  The reason for the existence of humans.  It is not certainly an accident.  There is a greater reason, why we exist?  Billions of years ago, the Big Bang happened and the Universe is formed and for the first time the time has started and it is still running.  Then clusters of rocks, hot swirling gas and dust, all these things were all around the universe forming rocky planets and stars and many more things.  So, now let's come to our Solar System.  Finally, after all the frivolities, the sun was born and there was around 32 planets during the birth time of sun and one after another, they collapsed with each other and finally ended up being eight, each revolving around the sun in their own orbits.  So, let's decrease our field of view, now to earth.  The baby earth was very violent, lava every where.  But, as our athlete time runs, slowly things settled in the earth.  Situations was born where life can live.  Water was formed, followed by micro-organisms and slowly other living creatures and finally the Dinosaurs.

     Peace returns to earth and all was fine with the earth.  But, suddenly a rock was thrown towards the earth.  An asteroid hit the earth, leaving a behind a catastrophic destruction to the earth.  The dinosaurs are dead as a result, but the cockroaches and some plants and micro-organisms survived.
And slowly again, peace returns to earth and new form of life begin in this blue planet.  The humans finally evolved from the Chimpanzees.  The question which should be asked is a cockroach had survived the attack but not even a single dinosaur, which can be an imminent danger to humanity had not survived.  This is fantastic.  Because, this forms a safe environment for humans to evolve.  And why humans have evolve from Chimpanzees.  Let they can be Chimpanzees but, why an evolution?  Analyzing the history, it is clear that there was an environment made for the humans to strive and develop.

     So, the ultimate reason why humanity exists is to think.  We have to utilize our brain to a greater extend and preventing it is the reason why people becomes mad when they use their brain too much, destructing our true purpose, our destiny.  The bad habits exist just as a distraction preventing us to think.  All the distraction, all the bad habits that exist in the world, as a sole reason and that is preventing us from thinking.  Because, when a man start to think, the secrets of the universe will be revealed and that is because all the secrets lie in our brain!

     Ultimately, the brain is the universe and the universe is the brain.
Brain = Universe

     Us the theory suggests, the Universe is within the brain and the brain is within the Universe.  We all know that time is integrated with the Universe.  And so, the time should also be integrated with our brain, allowing us to know the past, present and future.

     After, all these questions and explanations, there exist one question which arises another question.  Why we can't use our brain to its fullest capacity?  Which force is preventing us from using our brain?  What will happen if we use our brain to its fullest capacity.

     These questions arises the ultimate question,


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